Automated Backups for Chef Server
In this article I will share my setup, I use to backup chef server. In the best case, you have a dedicated machine, which has network access to your chef server. Otherwise you will have to additionally use a different backup program like rsnapshot or duplicity to backup the created export directory. In my case I use a raspberry pie with a hdd docking station and a power saving harddrive
To get started you will need ruby on the backup machine. I prefer using rvm for this job. Feel free to choose your preferred way:
$ curl -L | bash -s stable --autolibs=enabled
To create the backup, I use the great knife-backup gem of Marius Ducea:
$ gem install knife-backup
Then add these scripts to your system:
$ mkdir -p ~/bin && cd ~/bin
$ wget
$ wget
$ chmod +x {backup,restore}
# optional: load rvm
source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" || source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"
cd /tmp
BACKUP=/path/to/your/backup #<--- EDIT THIS LINE
TMPDIR=/tmp/$(mktemp -d chef-backup-XXXX)
trap "rm -rf '$TMPDIR'" INT QUIT TERM EXIT
knife --config $HOME/.chef/knife-backup.rb backup export -D . >/dev/null
tar -cjf "$BACKUP/$(date +%m.%d.%Y).tar.bz2" .
# keep the last X backups
ls -t "$BACKUP" | tail -n+$MAX_BACKUPS | xargs rm -f
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then
echo "USAGE: $0 /path/to/backup"
exit 1
source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" || source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"
cd /tmp
TMPDIR=/tmp/$(mktemp -d chef-restore-XXXX)
cd "$TMPDIR"
trap "rm -rf '$TMPDIR'" INT QUIT TERM EXIT
tar xf $1
knife --config $HOME/.chef/knife-backup.rb backup restore -D .
Modify BACKUP variable to match your backup destination. Next you will need a knife.rb to get access to your server. I suggest to create a new client:
$ mkdir -p ~/.chef
$ knife client create backup --admin --file "$HOME/.chef/backup.pem"
$ cat <<'__EOF__' >> ~/.chef/knife-backup.rb
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name 'backup'
client_key "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.chef/backup.pem"
chef_server_url 'https://chef.yourdomain.tld' # EDIT HERE
syntax_check_cache_path "#{ENV["HOME"]}.chef/syntax_check_cache"
$ knife role list # test authentication
Now test the whole setup, by running the
$ ~/bin/
It should create a tar file in the backup directory.
If everything works, you can add a cronjob to automate this.
$ crontab -e
@daily $HOME/bin/
To restore a backup simply run (where DATE
is the date of the backup)
$ ~/bin/ /path/to/backup/DATE.tar.bz2
That’s all folks!